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DIY Rose Recipes for the skin

Skin Care - Roses I get so excited when I find ways to use my roses for my skin and…

Great uses for Roses

I was doing a little research on what types of things besides skincare and aroma therapy I could use roses for. Roses have a…
Rose Bath

Health Benefits of Roses

There are so many health benefits of roses. I love roses and I have several rose bushes in my yard. I love how beautiful…
Essential Oil

Intro to Essential oils

Essential Oils are awesome. I love my essential oils. Throughout the years I have used them for many different purposes. I have used them…
Essential Oils

Essential Oil Diffuser Recipes for relaxing

Nobody likes relaxing more than me. I love my relax time. We all know that essential oils have so many benefits and there are…

3 Uses for Lavender

Lavender is awesome. Lavenders uses are many. Some of Lavenders properties include stress relief, can relieve inflammation, helps with nausea, relief for anxiety, and…